Selasa, 22 Disember 2015

Macam mana nak cepat belajar ataupun menghafal ?

Antara sebab sebab yang selalu dikatan oleh pelajar-pelajar sekolah mungkin mereka akan selalu kata ''susah nak faham''. ''bukan senang nak hafal benda ni''.
so sebab aku dh lama teringin nak buat pasal tajuk ini, mari kita tunjukkan cara-cara nak cepat 

nak jadi pelajar yang cepat memahami bukanlah senang macam yang kita lihat, ia 
perlu dimulakan dengan susah dan secara kerap.
kalau kita malas untuk melakukan sesuatu
secara kerap , ia memberi akibat yang buruk :)


Kalau nak lebih faham dan cepat hafal sesuatu
benda , kita sebagai pelajar haruslah sediakan sesuatu
seperti nota sendiri .
Tidak perlu meniru nota yang diberi oleh guru kerana
kadang-kadang , pelajar ni susah nak faham apa yang
ditulis oleh guru. jadi kita mestilha, buat nota sendiri mengikut 
fikiran anda sendiri. saya galakkan ketika anda nk lakukan
nota tersebut, menulislah sambil bercakap perkataan yang
ditulis di nota tersebut untuk cepat melekat di otak.


Sesetengah manusia ataupun pelajar juga
mempunyai perasaan malu bertanya, kerana mereka 
akan rasa bahawa jika mereka bertanya soalan yang
orang lain sudah tahu jawapanya, mereka
akan ditertawakan.
rajin bertanya , akan menambahkan lagi info-info yang
kita tidak tahu, rajin bertanya soalan juga
dapat mengeratkan hubungan sesama saudara .


Perkara ini dapat dilakukan sesama rakan sekelas , dimana-mana
sahaja, pondok mahupun rumah. tetapi perkara ini harus
dirancang terlebih dahulu, jangan main rancang je
takut nanti ada pula yang kena marah dengan ibu bapa sendiri . HAHAHA.
setiap hari yg ingin dilakukan STUDY GROUP haruslah mengetahui
subjek apa yang akan dipelajari pada hari tersebut.


Beberapa orang mahupun pelajar tidak menyukai untuk
minum air suam kerana ia tidak merasakan apa-apa pun,
tetapi air suam ini mempunyai lebih kelebihan berbanding 
air minuman lain.
digalakkan minum air suam sendiri berbanding membeli
air minuman yang ada di kedai untuk keselamatan.

sudah 4 langkah yang diberi oleh saya :) 
tidaklah sebeberapa bagus sangat langkah-langkah 
yang diberi oleh saya.


Jumaat, 27 November 2015


Hello  and Assalamualaikum :)
Today I wanna talk about a game that has become one of my favorite games. A game that I like is made up of Android. because I only use the phone asus.
I hope you have fun reading what is written in this blogger.
Thank You :)

1.Dream House Days

an apartment management game, where you furnish apartments, and slowly grow your building into a place anyone would be happy to live in! You must furnish each apartment to your tenants' needs and be a good landlord, as well as making a profit
This game, whether android or ios can play this game
Rating : 5 star
Games produced by Kairosoft
2.Zombie Ate My Friends

The game tells the story of a city that was attacked by zombies. The game has multiple episodes. In this game you will meet the people who are still alive. You will fight the zombie according to their level.
P/s: This game has many Megabytes
Rating : 4 Star

3. Pocket League story 2

 a game about managing a soccer/football team. It is a sequel to Pocket League Story. It is also possible to connect and play with friends
.This game, Only android can play this game
Games produced by Kairosoft
Rating : 4 Star

4.Virtual Families 2

In the virtual families 2, you can produce a generation. you can have a room and decorate the room. Generations of your family will increase the longer you play ini.Maksimum number of children in this game is 6 people.
Those who have a Mac, Android, iOS and Windows can play this game.
Produced by Last Day Of Work
Rating: 4 star

5.Racing Moto

You can have a lot of money and buy your favorite bike in this game. Want to move the motorcycle, you have to press the screen with your old phone to move the motion you need your phone to the left and right.
P/s: I dont know if this game if ios can play this game
Rating : 3 Star

I hope you liked the game that has become my favorite game for the android and IOS.
Thank You for read my Blog :)

Sabtu, 19 September 2015


Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera for you guys.Actually kat atas ni ditujukan untuk tips kepandaian dan menjadi pelajar cemerlang.Ianya tidak susah sebab saya pun melakukan beberapa tips dibawah. jadi kita hanya kena redha dan tawakkal sahaja.


Foood food. saya tahu kebanyakkan student semua benda makan sebab banyak makanan barat dan junk food yang sedap2. But semua makanan itu adalah tidak sihat.kalau makanan yg terlalu banyak gula bole menyebabkan otak jadiiii slowwwing :) So , kalau nk  makan tapi sikit-sikit jela :D


half of people ada yg takyah belajar pun jawab  exam dapat good markah. tapi yg jenis otak tak sebeberapa clever(macam saya) nie kenalah study.Kau igt dgn tak study bole dapat 100% terus ke -.-  Lainla kalau ada kuasa nak je kata ''I want score 100%'' ''terus dapt 100%. tu pun jadilah xD kalo bab study always people  say "study the hard subject than the easy subject'' ia ialah BETUL. sebab kalo study BM jeeee Bm jela yg dpt A yang lain B , C. Sebelum study , digalakkan beli buku ULANGKAJI (time beli tgk pengeluar dia, buku tu okay tak?).


Bagi umat islam , solat ialah wajib bagi kita. ia seperti menghadap ALLAH S.W.T . guru selalu suruh solat dan doa kepada-NYA kerana setiap doa In Sya Allah dimakbulkan :) tapi kalau asyik-asyik berdoa je tapi kesungguhan tiada , tiada hasil juga. It just like 50% doa dan 50% kesungguhan. Ingat Allah akan memakbulkan doa bagi hambanya yg bersungguh dalam doa itu.Bagi yg salah, baiklah minta maaf dengan person that you make mistake with they.


Mak dan  ayah ialah segala-galanya for us.Sometime mom or you dad will suruuh you go to study but you just merajuk and go to your is bad perbuatan sebab all what your parents to do the thing it is for good thing.takkanlah parents nak suruh study  hanya nak kita suruh kita pandai.Ia juga untuk kebaikkan masa hadapan kita.Selalula sorry with your parents if you make a mistake with your parents :) Lagi-lagi your mom yg telah melahirkan kita dgn penuh kesakitan dan kegembiraan.Ingat , Allah telah mengatakan bahawa doa ibu ialah mustajab dan akan dimakbulkan. Time important exam, suruhla ibu doakan kecemerlaang kita.


Kalau kita dalam 2 bulan sebelum important exam jangan lakukan apa-apa . sebab kalau korang gi contohnya gi hangout with friends gi sinilah situlah. akan membuatkan your time to study become short - short and short. Nanti mak and ayah membebel kat kita ''Bila nak study, tak abis-abis hangouttt je''. kita juga yg salah :D dan ketepikanlah teleyvision,komputer,instagram,twitter,wechat,facebook dan segala jenis bagai ONLINE APPS untuk pergorbanan korang. Ia pun bagi kebaikan juga.

Sob sob sob :'( dah abiss huwaaa :'((( tengok aq pun dah nangis, so pembaca setia maisarraah blog. nantikan next tajuk. so okaay bye :D

Khamis, 27 Ogos 2015

Cara untuk mengelakkan bosan ketika di kampung.

As'slamualaikum korang ! dengan tengok kat tajuk diatas dah tahu dah ini cuma untuk orang malaysia je :) So yang tak faham malaysia language tak digalakkan selek belek tajuk ni, kan nanti tak faham.

Daripada tajuk kat atas , confirm ramai yang bosan kalau time balik kampung. yelaah budak Keyel kan .. tapi saya tak bosan sebab dah biasa balik kampung . cuma nak bagi tips2 kat korang. so jom selek belek kat bawah ni !


yang ni banyak budak yang kalau mak atau ayah diorang kedah ke,kelate ke,terengganu ke. confirm terbelit-belit cakap loghat dia. Tak mengapa , walaupun tak faham korang hentam je. Lama-lama bolehlah tu cakap loghat korang.Tapi jangan mencarut kat diorang dalam loghat . sudahlah :P


Saya tahulah korang ni kaya-kaya kan? :) tapi janganlah cakap pasal pekara yang moden-moden macam, ''Kau ada instagram tak''? ''Iphone 6 lagi best'' ''Duduk KL lagi best''. Takyah cakap perkara yg moden2 sgt. kau ingat dia dak keyel ke nak cakap pasal tu. Line phone LOW pun nak cakap ado insta ke idok. ada ke patutnya :\


Yang ni 97% budak2 yang balik kampung selalu je main kat kampung. kalo saya balik kampung ada je sepupu keyel yg main gadget sampai sepupu kt kampung terpengaruh dengan gadget tu. tak boleh ke berhenti sekejap. main benda lain selali benda tu :)


Yang di paling banyak masalah :\ . sebab asyik2 fikir yang makanan kampung pelik2 . saya nasi & budu dah okay xD (Anok kelate). Walaupun kadang2 kampung food tak sesedap makanan barat yang korang rasa kat keyel tu. senanya lagi berkhasiat daripada makanan yang selalu korang makan seperti Mcd,Pizza Hut,Starbucks dan Lain2.


Saya pun pernah buat benda ni . tapi rasa nyesal pun ado sebab kalau asyik duduk depan TV tengok drama korea je (hahaha) baik balik KL je . saya pun ambil keputusan untuk join jual2 time ramadhan tu. seronok bukan kemain lagi :D Kalau sepupu korang nk ajak korang gi round2 satu kampung ,ikutlah kalau2 korg akan rasa yang kampung ni best.

Disinilah perakhirannya . esok sekolah penat sangat dah ni ... Selamat Malam :)

Jumaat, 21 Ogos 2015


Assalamualaikum and hello guys! I know that . who is read this just because want to be famous in instagram. yeah some of people they choose the easy way to be famous in instagram just because they have beautiful and handsome faces ^^ I know that you guys have a feeling jealous with who is have 1000++ followers ! So now. lets see why i want to give you my ways to get many followers in instagram :)


I recommed you guys this apps. cause when i have instagram i use this app to detected followers who is unfollow us . damn ! i hate who do like that.


Hasil carian imej untuk photograhpy Hasil carian imej untuk selfie pictures

hahaha . . some of people like to take a selfie and photograph like above . yeah i like both because i like selfie(I know that you guys same with me) and photograhp(my ambition XD). but although you post most beautiful scene photo but dont have followers . you will never get "LIKES".


Hasil carian imej untuk comment followback
i like to do this. cause some of people are so so so arrogant ! i know that they have many followers. but just want to follow people is to hard for they. some of which have little followers have behavior like this.


Hasil carian imej untuk likes insta Hasil carian imej untuk comment insta

you must like and comment your followers . if they follow you. why you not like and comment they picture for gift. and with this way , they will know who are you. and you can get many like & followers. it make you famous.

So this is finally for today. so bye and good morning for malaysia reader. have a good day :)

New Japanese Drama/Movie

Hello and As'salamualaikum ( for muslims ) . Actually i am fanatic fans of Japanese drama and Movie .Hahahaha , i start to watch Japanese when 2014 i think . So they are to many Drama and Movie i watch :)  Oh ! Out from the topic *Hahaha*  So now let's get starting . *sorry , broken english*

"2015" Is the best year for Japanese . Because they are to many Sugoii and Kakkoii Japanese drama/movie :3

  1. Parastye Part 1 (2014)

Ahhhhhh ! *scream* omg omg ! why i really like this movie cause the actor is Shota kun ! ^^ 
Hahaha sorry for some scream :D  I this movie is really2 awesome ! You guys must watch this movie :)  and actually  yesterday i watch some episode of Parastye part 1 but not Live Action it is anime  , and it is not really same but sometime the scene same with anime . so who are already watch this movie , i hope you guys not really dispontiendd *ehh i can't spell it XD* Because as Japanese Fans , it is okay not really bad :)

                                   Rating :  14/15

                                   Actor and Actress: Shota Sometani , Ai Hashimoto .
                 Sinopsis : Mysterious worm-like aliens fall from the sky. They penetrate through the ears or nose into human beings and live off their brain while dominating the body. Now with human appearance, the parasites live among humans.Shinichi Izumi (Shota Sometani) is an ordinary high school student. His best friend is Satomi Murano (Ai Hashimoto). One day, Shinichi Izumi is attacked by a parasite, but he is able to fight off the parasite before it takes over his brain. The parasite though lives within his right hand. Shinichi Izumi and the parasite now live together. Shinichi believes the parasites are responsible for countless murders all around the world and he feels responsible, because he knows the truth.Meanwhile, Ryoko Tamiya (Eri Fukatsu) is a teacher that starts her new post at the same high school where Shinichi attends. She has been taken over by a parasite and comes to observe Shinichi.

2.As the gods will

           Cerita nie mengisahkan ttg sekolah yang diserang dengan ''Permainan Mati''. Siapa yg lemah semangat jangan tgk, takut-ii pengsan tgh2 jalan.*Hahaha* Banyak sgtlh darah dlm citer ni sebab ramai mati . dah katakan ''Permainan Mati'' :O For me , takdelah seram sgt . 
Rating: 13/15
Actor and Actress: Sota Fukushi,Hirona Yamazaki,Shota Sometani,Kamiki Ryunosuke.
Shun Takahata (Sota Fukushi) is an ordinary high school student leading a boring life. His life long friend is Ichika Akimoto (Hirona Yamazaki).One day, a teacher’s head explodes in class. Shun Takahata and his classmates are forced to play a game of death without knowing who, why or how. 

3.Blue Spring Ride

Lepas semua cerita. Cerita pasal sekolah pulak . Aduyaaaiii awatt banyak sgt skrg pelakon yg comel & kacak :)  Dua sebab nk tengok cerita nie sebab ada Tsubasa Chan dengan 
Masahiro chan xD 
Rating: 12/15
Actor and Actress: Tsubasa Honda,Masahiro Higashide,Yudai Chiba
When she was a middle school student, Futaba Yoshioka liked Kou Tanaka who was unlike the other boys and quite gentle. Kou Tanaka then moved away and they lost contact.At the end of Futaba Yoshioka's first year as a high school student she meets Kou Tanaka again. Kou Tanaka’s name has changed to Kou Mabuchi and his personality seems different from his middle school days.

4.Gakkou No Kaidan

Cerita nie pula pasal seorang budak perempuan  yg selalu kena buli dgn budak2 kaya. Jadi, dia telah dilantik sebagai ''Ketua Pelajar''. Selepas itu dia bertemu dengan seorang bekas Ketua pelajar. Seorang budak lelaki yg berpakain serba hitam dan duduk di kerusi roda.Saksikan pelbagai kes yg mereka berdua selesaikan :)

Rating: 13/15
Actor and Actress : Suzu Hirose,Kamiki Ryunosuke,Hana Sugisaki,Shotaro Mamiya.

Tsubame Haruna (Suzu Hirose) is a female high school student. She spends her days peaceful, while concerned about other's facial expressions. She is forced to become the student president. Tsubame Haruna then meets Kei Shizukui (Ryunosuke Kamiki). He has a talented speech writer. With his help, Tsubame Haruna starts a revolution at her corrupt school.

Sooo ni jelah . cerita yang saia tengok . senanya banyak lagi cuma malas nak taip banyak2 hehehe :D Ok bai ! ^^